March 7, 2010

Q & A. The Demise of the RSVP

Q: Why are RSVP's so important? Should I include a response card?

A: RSVP's are very important when planning a wedding.
I can't stress that enough! Guests are more and more choosing not to respond when they receive invitations. Unfortunately, it sends a bad message to the host, and puts hosts in an awkward situation as they find themselves wondering or calling recipients to find out if they will attend the wedding.

Reasons you should consider a response card:
  1. Your caterer usually needs a head count 7-10 days prior to the event. You could be charged extra and even over your per-head cost if last minute guests attend.
  2. If more people attend than you thought, some guests could be left standing or without food. You want them to enjoy your wedding.
  3. If your budget calls for 100 guests, and 120 show up (at $100 a head), it's quite a surprise for whoever is cutting the check!
  4. Both the host and the invited can feel quite awkward when asked if attending the event.
When guests fail to respond, it is extremely inconsiderate. What kind of message does that send to the host? Not a great one. Unfortunately, all bride's will at some point need to follow up with a guest who hasn't responded. It is perfectly fine to follow up with someone - after all, it was inconsiderate for them not to respond and they have an obligation to reply as soon as possible. So, make it easy on your guests - include a pre-addressed, pre-stamped envelope, with a deadline 4 weeks out, so all they need to do is drop it in the mail.

Email Response
It is acceptable to use an email address or website for guests to respond for their attendance. But, if you have a large number of guests who do not have access to computers or know how to use email, including a prepaid and pre-addressed response card is smart.

Numbering response cards
Some bride's find it helpful to lightly and discretely number their response cards. The number corresponds to the line the name is on the excel spreadsheet. So, as responses come in, you know exactly who you have not heard from.

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